WEforum Health and Wellness Conference 2018
Eat for Life: How the Power of Food Can Heal Your Body
This conference provided information about how your nutrition choices impact your health and how food can be used to maximize health, reduce chronic disease risk, and increase energy and vitality. Speakers and workshops were offered to learn more about how your genetic background, microbiome composition, and other factors help inform your optimal nutrition choices.
- Those who attended selected from several lectures and a series of interactive roundtable sessions by renowned medical experts in various specialties. Our goal was to provide you with the big picture and then help you with practical steps and ideas you can implement for you and your family.
- Speakers included experts in nutrition, functional medicine, cardio, oncology and behavioral health, advocacy, safe environmental practices for your home, sustainable farming, local food sourcing, cooking demonstrations, holistic healing, meditation, yoga and much more.
- Free health screenings and a vendor fair featuring local medical practices, healthcare facilities and businesses in the fitness, food, cosmetics and wellness education fields.
- Proceeds help our local partner organizations (Monmouth Medical Center, the YMCA and the Visiting Nurse Association of New Jersey) to ensure vital nutrition and health information is available and accessible to all in our community. In addition, funds will help to revitalize or maintain local community gardens that offer free and fresh produce to local residents.
THANK YOU TO OUR 2018 Partners!