Executive Director of Ethos Health Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at Rutgers University Medical School

RON WEISS, M.D. (2018)

Executive Director of Ethos Health, Assistant Professor Clinical Medicine at Rutgers University Medical School

WEforum Health and Wellness Conference 2018

Ron Weiss M.D. – Executive Director of Ethos Health, Assistant Professor
 Clinical Medicine at Rutgers University Medical School


Farm to Hospital: How the Way We Farm Makes Us Sick

Wednesday, November 14 11:30-12:30 AM – SPEAKER SERIES (LECTURE HALL)

The primary cause of America’s healthcare crisis is not a lack of health insurance, nor is it skyrocketing drug costs or a dearth of primary care doctors. It is federal agriculture policy. In this eye-opening presentation, you will learn how billions of taxpayer dollars given to farmers to grow certain crops lead to trillions of dollars in unnecessary medical costs every year. Dr. Weiss will offer solutions as to how we can get American farmers to plant healthy foods, stop inundating the environment with chemicals, change the nation’s eating habits and thus, drastically reduce healthcare costs.


Board-certified in inernal medicine, Ron Weiss, MD is a primary care doctor in New Jersey, serving as Executive Director of Ethos Health (www.myethoshealth.com) and as Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School. Dr. Weiss is not only a physician but also a botanist and farmer; offering an evidence-based, food-as-medicine approach to healing from chronic illness and optimizing wellness. To this end, he has presented at national whole-foods, plant-based gatherings including Plantstock and VegFest, and he has been featured in top media, including The New York Times and The Today Show.

A vegan-friendly, plant-based doctor in New Jersey, Dr. Weiss prescribes the Ethos Diet – an all-organic, ecologically-sustainable, and Whole Foods Plant Based (WFPB) diet – as the cornerstone of his work with patients. Not only has a growing body of research indicated that a whole-foods, plant-based diet helps patients dramatically heal from chronic illness, but over the years, Dr. Weiss has found the Ethos Diet to have an exceptional success rate in reversing most chronic diseases.