For Dave Lewis, resilience means adaptability. The ability to pivot through life's surprises and uncertainties, particularly during this pandemic.
With WEforum’s incredible Fit Crawl just around the corner, it is time to take a few moments to consider the sustainability of your workout wardrobe. If we are taking steps to be mindful of our bodies, brains and emotional health, shouldn’t we be just as progressive in considering the products we purchase, particularly those we wear?
What if you didn’t resist how the world was unfolding and instead surrendered to it? And to be clear, surrendering does not mean giving up and just existing. To surrender means accepting that where you are right now is where you are meant to be. It means trusting that you may not know the entire plan and that you still have more to learn, more to become, and more to do within the present circumstances.
COA’s Beach Sweeps returns to coordinate another day of volunteering to keep our treasured shoreline free from litter, wash-up and other debris. This year’s sweep will be held on Saturday, April 17th, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in over 60 locations across New Jersey.
Join us for VIRTUAL fitness fun, wellness lectures, and community outreach… Tickets available for access to virtual content! WEforum Fit...