We all know that car exhaust fumes are not healthy to breathe in. But did you know that common household products like cleaners, perfumes, etc. rival the amount of volatile organic chemicals given off by vehicle emissions??
Since the worldwide lockdown, people are beginning to question their values and priorities. We lived through a few years where life as we know it came to a halt, which allowed us time to reflect on our choices, our priorities, and our overall well-being. Change starts one person at a time, so ask yourself where you might be able to bring more heart-centeredness and balance into your life. Read on to find ways to accomplish that.
I listened to a podcast by Ed Mylett the other day, and, wow… he certainly inspires me to be a better version of myself! Every day I am striving to be a better person, a better version of myself. I was thinking about how that might look from the outside and where I could find a little direction in how to accomplish that.
In this installment, Ali Brady of Eighty Nutrition, shares her tips on how to navigate a vacation full of potential indulgences and the ever-dreaded, nutritional wasteland, The Road Trip. You’ll learn what to steer clear of, when to and how to cut yourself a little slack, and ways to prepare ahead so you don’t blow your nutritional game plan.