A psychoeducational assessment is often performed to evaluate the underlying cognitive processes that impact your child’s functioning in academic settings. The results of this type of evaluation will provide you with information about how your child processes information, approaches problems, and responds to learning demands.
Adapted from Wookwan’s Korean Temple Food by Wookwan Yakseon, the Korean word for “food as good medicine,” is a...
Caramelized kimchi adds a touch of sweetness to the funkier, tangy flavors in kimchi. A great way to expose children...
How do we define “bullying” when the term seems to be thrown around in so many ways? The definition of bullying is: Unwanted, aggressive behavior involving real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.
While modern advancements in organic chemistry have led to countless breakthrough conveniences and life-saving medical treatments over the last 100 years, many of these same synthetic chemicals are simultaneously but quietly causing widespread harm to human health.
For anyone looking to add recovery to their fitness routine, a new way to lose weight or gain muscle, or anyone looking to just switch things up and keep things exciting, cross-training may be the move for you; a balance between your typical routine and the introduction of something new.
A smile. A wave. An unsolicited favor. A short text message to ask “How are you? Do you need anything?” A care package at the front door. Individually each of these may seem small, even trivial. But to a person in need, they could be the difference between hope and despair, inspiration and desperation, even life and death.