Welcome to the Final Installment of a Three-Part Series on Energy as Medicine
By Denise Hoagland, M.A., CHt, Healing Arts Therapist, Healing With Denise Hoagland
There are so many directions we could take this discussion. First and foremost, I would like us to take this opportunity to break out of the shell of “self-care.” Originally, I believe the meaning of self-care was to nourish yourself with self-love, not to treat yourself to a massage or some other form of luxury escape. True self-care is valuable when used properly, used in the manner it should be or was meant to be. The term self-care was meant to bring value to the “Energetic Wholeness” of ourselves, wholeness being the state of forming a complete and harmonious whole; the state of being unbroken or damaged.
What constitutes Energetic Wholeness? Well, there are the aspects of the body, of the mind and of the spirit, yet if we look at this deeper, there are also the intellectual and emotional selves housed in those aspects. Further involved are the environment of the immediate circle of family, the extended family, the work environment, the community you move around in, the energetic area that you live in from the local, state, country and continent you live on, the earth and natural world value. Your placement in the Universe has an understanding of your energetic value. I cannot consent to the idea that “self care” is the answer to achieving Energetic Wholeness, because the picture of your energetic value is so much larger than the self.
As I mentioned in the second segment of Energy Medicine, being a Seer has its consequences and often presents challenging circumstances. Several years ago, a woman walked into my brick and mortar healing spa, as I was coming down the hallway towards the front door with a client who was leaving. I looked up at the woman entering and as I became closer, I said, “Well, hello beautiful.” She smiled and replied, “Thank you, usually people have to get to know me before they see that.”
This woman would be considered, by society, physically overweight, outwardly stressed and even weathered by emotional strain. Her light, though, was radiant. Her light flowed like a fountain from her core, showering up through her body out the crown of her head and down around her. What I saw was that she knew her inherent worth, she valued herself and her placement in the world and universe. Her Energetic Wholeness of her collective environment was present with her; she actually carried her self worth with her in her energy. I often say to my clients that the physical body and the spiritual body appear based on their own individual strengths and weaknesses.
What do I mean by that? A person’s physical shell does not mimic the spiritual aspect in the form of light energy. So if we reverse this scenario, we can have a physical body that is in exceptional health, with a soul light energy that is disturbed with static and debris. With that being said, a healthy physical body can have a beautiful shell and a beautiful soul as well. In identifying the difference though, we must come to the understanding that there are many bodies of health which need to be addressed on an individual basis. We have all heard the common phrase, “She has a beautiful soul.” Unfortunately this comment is used more often than not as a form of, “Wow! She is still beautiful even with all her flaws.” We need to encourage ourselves to look at the Energetic Wholeness of all aspects of the mind and soul, in conjunction with the physical body.
Does your inherent beauty lie within the soul? Yes, it does. As we demonstrated, the wellness of the soul can overcome physical appearance. Tapping into the soul, almost befriending your soul as a teammate, to create a “wholeness” environment is beneficial to the health and wellness of all your parts as energetic wellness. We use the term holistic relentlessly as a way to define and understand the wholeness. It is meant to look at the “wholeness” in relation to all aspects. I strongly believe the Soul to be the leader of the band among the trinity of mind, body, soul.
Implementing Energetic Wholeness
There is a practice in many “Power of the Mind” theories called the reel. In the reel you identify the subconscious reel (patterning of thought, soul’s thoughts) that runs through your mind everyday, such as the mind replay or the thoughts you do not share with others. First evaluate them, then reinvent the reel to your benefit. This is energetic awareness of your soul’s thoughts, awakening to the thoughts of the sub-consciousness and implementing change.
In your reel you may find fears, self sabotage or even deprivation. You can also identify encouragement and self empowerment. The following are steps that will help you to create your own reel.
- For three days in a row, sit down and write out your soul’s thoughts, such as what you’ve doubted or fantasized about. This will only take a few minutes.
- Next, make a list of 11 words or thoughts from your record that would benefit you. The objective is to help release those negative thoughts and continue to strengthen those thoughts that support you.
- Identify the positive and the negative thoughts, the goal is to change the negative to positive ones. Even if this seems impossible, or that there are too many steps to accomplish, even if you think this is absolutely unattainable, push through it.
- Add all that you want and desire to your REEL as well.
For instance, a reel may look like this:
Soul Thoughts: I am so fearful to go to that concert; I have so much to be thankful for; I don’t want to go to the dentist; That promotion was so needed; the world is a mess; I miss my mom; What if she doesn’t get into the college she wants; I feel so energized; I really want a little yellow boat; Can’t wait for Susie’s party; I feel so bloated & fat.
The Reel: Concert; Grateful, Healthy Mouth; Work Hard; Kindness; Love You Mom; Stanford; Strong Body; Yellow Boat; Party; Eat Better.
You then say this reel over in your head. Keep it short as noted.
As you say the corresponding word(s) you visualize the action of the word or phrase. For instance: Concert – visualize yourself at the concert having a blast; Grateful – feel being grateful breathe in all the good stuff; Healthy mouth – visualize your mouth healed and past the dentist visit; Work Hard – visualize more success at work; Kindness – visualize the good being done in the world, see yourself volunteering; Love you Mom – send the love and receive the love; Stanford – visualize her at Stanford; Strong body – visualize your body healthy and strong; Yellow boat – see yourself on the yellow boat; Party – visualize yourself enjoying the party; Eat better – see your fridge filled with healthy foods.
The reel changes as it is attained. Once you’ve been to the dentist and your mouth is fixed and healed, that aspect drops from the reel and you can add a new soul thought. The reel is continuous and sometimes you will find that it’s down to only three or four thoughts. When this happens try to focus on the soul’s thoughts again and fill the Reel.
Using the reel as a tool is a simple way of manifesting your thoughts conditioned or reconditioned into your reality. These reconditioned thoughts are a form of self compassion that support the common whole as we recognize and acknowledge our struggles. Remember, chipping away at these challenges strengthens the core of our souls/energetic value in life. When we repeat positive thoughts we are integrating Energetic Wholeness into our body, mind and soul, to ignite permanent growth and change that supports the wholeness of you.
If we return to the first installment in the series, Energy as Medicine, we see in the basics that science is all about energy. We confirmed that our body is a well curated machine of energy movement. Awareness of your energy and the ability to speak to the mechanics of the body to amplify your choices is Energetic Wholeness. Remember the five-minute Energy Palpation & Mantra and use it to your benefit.
In the second installment, Seers & Knowers, we looked at intuition and our inherent ability to create change by trusting the intuition. We also considered the ability to cultivate energetic awareness by tapping into your body at points that correspond to opening the frontal cortex.
By implementing your soul’s thoughts to work in your favor and to your benefit, you are strengthening your Energetic Wholeness. Through the practice of the reel you are implementing Energetic Wholeness of the self and acknowledging your placement in the world, thus benefiting the common whole and for the common whole. Collectively, we are a common whole, and our individual movement is important to that whole.
For more information on Energy as Medicine and other healing topics, please visit my website and join my email list.
A one-of-a-kind practice, Denise holds a firm belief in the soul & in the ability to magnify the energy field in and around the body. As an experienced Healing Arts Therapist in New Jersey, Denise integrates a range of therapies to carve a path towards a healing body, an open mind and a new perspective for individual wellness. Her practice has been a over 25 year development of working with over 3,000 for spiritual and emotional health concerns as well as chronic disease.