The Seers & Knowers (Part Two of a Three Part Series)

October 2023

Welcome to the Second Part of a Three-Part Series on Energy as Medicine

By Denise Hoagland, M.A., CHt, Healing Arts Therapist, Healing With Denise Hoagland


Most of us have experienced knowing something before it has happened. Maybe we have had awareness rise through the heart that someone was going to have a baby, or get married. Those are the fun and loving experiences of “knowing.” Another is the awareness that tingles under your skin when you sense someone you love is seriously ill or in danger. Then there is the awareness that gives rise at the nape of your neck, the space between the skull and the spine. This is the space where certain intuition comes into the body. A “knowing” of certainty of importance. Hence, when someone says; “the hair went up on the back of my neck,” they had a sense of that “knowing” rising in that space of the body.

After all, as discussed in the first series, we are made of energy.

Usually in “knowing” there is a frequency signal in the body that gives rise to the knowing. This is often referred to as the sixth sense and technically, it is invisible. In science it is considered a stimulation collection of energy in the morphogenetic field of the cells, known as an etheric field around the cells.

The definition of knowing is; having or reflecting knowledge, information or intelligence, also seen as cognitive or deliberate. I find the latter portion the most interesting because when someone uses their intuition it is largely seen as unreliable, as it is invisible, yet in its definition it is seen as instinctive, cognitive, and deliberate. We generalize that knowledge is a result of accounted time logged in studying academics, it is rarely accepted as a natural gift. “Knowing” is a natural gift to some and we should characterize it as a gift. Some people just know, and that knowledge can be stored in the DNA through generations of intelligence, or a highly intuitive soul.

Seeing and Knowing are Energetic in the body, trusting these and using them to your benefit is a path to creating optimal wellness.

A Knower is sometimes a person who can forecast the future, who has the ability to know what is going to transpire, know what will happen to an individual, a group, society, nature and the universe. The probability of a successful prediction from a Knower (intuitive) is thought to be a conservative 74%. Michel de Nostradamus, was a Knower during the first half of the early 1500’s. His work is both famous for his predictions of the future and for his lack of providing evidence for his way of “knowing” these predictions. Interestingly enough the average predictions of a sports analyst or provider of sports outcomes for gambling is 53%. In either case these are not very high percentages for accuracy. Especially if it is a matter of deep concern.

To “know” is to have the ability to trust the frequencies in our bodies that inform us. Most doctors are Knowers, as they certainly have had extensive education as well, yet you can still see how they look at a body, tilt their head and have a conversation with their own body responses to apply a gut feeling to a diagnosis.

Some people refer to Knowers as Seers. And some Seers as Knowers. One may be both but for the understanding of Energy as Medicine I am choosing to explain them separately. A Knower will say that they see the future, and that is energetically proven to be true or false, yet a Seer is someone who can actually see with their naked eye aspects that are unseen to most. I am referring to the Seer’s ability to see the energy systems.

Ever since I was a small child I could see things that most could not. Seeing comes at a cost; it is both a positive and a negative. One of my lessons in learning not everyone could see what I saw was in my first grade class at a Catholic elementary school. My reality came as Sister Veronica was giving an instruction on the Blessed Mother, Mary. She had taken a portrait of Mary off the wall in the hallway and brought it into class with her. She held the frame on the desk as she stood next to it talking about Mary. She spoke about how she (Mary) was the chosen one to give birth to God’s son, how she was blessed as the mother of Jesus Christ. Then, Sister Veronica started to talk about the ring around Mary’s head. She said that Mary had this “halo” because she was special, that it was a symbol of her greatness and her divine soul. I can vividly remember raising my hand and having half my butt out of my seat in such excitement! Finally! Finally! Someone was speaking about something I knew about! I was delighted. I get this! I see this! I was so delighted I wanted to share.

Sister Veronica called on me as I was jumping out of my seat and with great excitement I stated, “We are all special, we all have that halo!” I do not recall exactly what Sister Veronica said to me at that moment. What I do remember is a massive sense of criticism coming towards me. She let me know that I should not be able to see that on anyone or anything except in art. Then she instructed me to stand in the corner of the room for the rest of class.
This has been a continuous storyline of my life, and the lives of many others who can see the auric field, the matrix, can see diseases, colors and rainbows in and around bodies. Some of us can See and Know where trauma is in the body, be it physical, emotional or mental. We are not always correct just as a sports analyst is not, just as Nostradamus was not, but high percentages speak volumes. It seems our odds are just higher for “knowing” or seeing than most people.

Most importantly, all things are subject to change.

One aspect of this gift that people do not understand is that all things that are Seen and Known are subject to change. That change can come from you, someone else having nothing to do with you, or even the energy of the cosmic realm that can make certain shifts in energy fields to create a different outcome. An intuitive, or someone who can see energy, knows that anything they say to you can be changed by you. That is the benefit to seeking out advice from an intuitive. Unfortunately this is where many people can lose the benefits of seeking advice from an intuitive. They do not follow through with and adhere to therapies that will create the change needed. By following guidance, you can manifest and empower your consciousness to your highest and greatest potential through applying the changes, working towards growth and even seeing things clearly.

So how do you strengthen your abilities to trust your intuition energetically?

There are so many ways…

First, increase your cognitive skills by concentrating when you are reading. Practice retaining information from the TV, or a podcast you are listening to, or information from a conversation you have had. Write the information down that you want to remember in a notebook and check it every couple of days to see if you can recall the information. Just short notes will do. We teach this to our children and then as adults we stop practicing it. We need to continue to grow information in our bodies and minds. Continuing to strengthen the energy of the mind and body connection.

Second, slow down and listen to the body. Take time to actively retain information; pause and listen to your body and consume knowledge. Let it be a visceral connection between mind and body. How does it feel? Where do you feel it? Try to focus on those places. One of the points in the body that opens up perception and clarity is at the temples. If you apply pressure at the temples on one or both sides for 1 to 3 minutes while thinking about expanding your mind, you can impact the power of the mind and permit yourself a broader perception.

Third, make a habit to consult your intuition. Not obsessively, but more like a few times a week. For instance, if you are considering a big move, or applying for a new position, sit with one aspect of it. Like, will this move benefit me financially, or will this position bring greater happiness? Don’t ask too many questions at once. Stay with the one question until you receive that sixth sense, a “knowing,” a seeing, a frequency that gives rise in your body. It is an invisible knowing, and a magical sense that can grow in your daily life, manifesting the life you want and desire.

Another activity that can activate your sixth sense is to tap into each palm of your hand opening the governing meridians in the wrists. The wrists in acupuncture are called Governing Meridians; they have the ability to open and close energy flow in and out of the body. Tapping in the palms of both hands is an instruction to open the flow of energy externally, which helps to open to the energetic value outside of the body. After you have activated each palm of the hand, stand or sit with your palms open and facing out. This is an opening to your intuition through direct physical palpation.

To See is to Know and to Know is to See. Either way it is invisible. Although it can be felt, and seen by some, trust in that ability to have a sixth sense could be called faith in the self. It can become a life skill that is tangible to success, optimal health, and abundance. Seeking out a therapist who can guide you through an intuitive awakening is creating optimal wellness of the mind, body and soul. Cultivating the inner knower and seer will aid you into a higher state of wellness.




A one-of-a-kind practice, Denise holds a firm belief in the soul & in the ability to magnify the energy field in and around the body. As an experienced Healing Arts Therapist in New Jersey, Denise integrates a range of therapies to carve a path towards a healing body, an open mind and a new perspective for individual wellness. Her practice has been a over 25 year development of working with over 3,000 for spiritual and emotional health concerns as well as chronic disease.