Wellness Ambassadors

Share our vision and help promote ways to improve health and wellness in our community.

Wellness Ambassador Program

Clare Broderick
Director of Partnership Development, WEforum
Founder, Greener, Cleaner Living

When it comes to educating, empowering, and evolving our community towards wellness, we are stronger together than we are as individuals. At WEforum, we recognize success is brought forth as a community. WEforum Wellness Ambassadors are integral to helping WEforum raise awareness on how to take better care of ourselves and our families and promote healthy and sustainable lifestyles.

Our Wellness Ambassadors are leaders in our community, educating people on how to live a happier, healthier lifestyle, in their own unique ways, in alignment with one or more of WEforum’s seven pillars of health. Through mutual support and complementary activities, WEforum and Wellness Ambassadors strengthen each other’s missions and advance the culture of preventative health and wellness for all.

Working together, WEforum and its team of Wellness Ambassadors fully leverage creative programs, skills, knowledge and expertise in health and wellness in our community to collectively transform our health paradigm.

Wellness Ambassador Chairs

Wellness Ambassadors