Mission Statement

WEforum is an organization led by women in our community whose mission is to strengthen the health and wellness of communities within New Jersey.

Learn more about WEforum and how we are impacting our community!

WEforum aims to strengthen the health and wellness of our local communities by educating and empowering individuals to take charge of their health care choices and make informed decisions. We partner with community leaders, wellness professionals, educators and business organizations to promote a culture of healthy living. We foster awareness through community events, empower young people and adults alike through various programs, and raise funds to develop and support community programs and services that are free and accessible to all.

WEforum, a Women’s Education Forum, is a female-led organization comprised of women volunteers who share a passion for promoting health and wellness in their communities. WEforum targets women in our mission to educate and empower because women spend more health care dollars than men do, they suffer from chronic illnesses at rates higher than men do, and because statistics say they are the primary decision makers as it relates to health care for the family unit.

WEforum aims to change the health care paradigm by shifting focus to behavior modification.

We support free educational health and wellness programs and services developed by Monmouth Medical Center, a RWJBarnabas Health affiliate and other community organizations that promote early detection and prevention of illnesses.

Several  programs, many of them developed with local community leaders, promote early detection and prevention of illnesses and injuries, provide necessary education on how to take better care of oneself and are accessible to everyone in our community.

To accomplish this, WEforum developed 7 Pillars of Health: Breathe, Connect, Eat, Heal, Move, Prosper, and Sustain for Life. Together these pillars create a well-rounded platform of information to guide one towards a healthy life. Across these pillars, WEforum has developed programs that have been co-sponsored with local community leaders and educational institutions. The programs focus on a range of topics including promoting a healthy lifestyle with educational activities for early detection and prevention. The programs target specific community needs such as the ADHD support group, the Wise Up teen group, which promotes health and wellness teen to teen, a curriculum for garden camps and a lecture series on a variety of subjects. The dollars raised through our Health and Wellness educational conferences and annual “Fit Crawl” event fund free educational health and wellness programs and services developed by Monmouth Medical Center (MMC), an RWJ/Barnabas Health affiliate, and other community organizations.

In partnership with MMC and other community organizations who share our vision, we strive to enact positive changes in our collective community health outcomes. WEforum is committed to spreading knowledge on how to live a happier, healthier and more balanced life.

When you educate a woman, she empowers her family, and together WE can evolve a community.



Nuestra Mision

WEforum, un foro para la educación de las mujeres, busca fortalecer la salud y el bienestar de la comunidad mediante la educación y el empoderamiento de las personas para que así tomen control de las decisiones que afectan su salud. Nosotros nos asociamos con organizaciones que promueven la cultura de una vida saludable y que buscan generar conciencia y apoyo económico para desarrollar programas y servicios que sean gratis y accesibles a todos.