Weed, Seed & Feed for Healthy Living in Today’s Toxin-Filled World

By Clare Broderick, Founder of Greener Cleaner LIVING, LLC

Weed, seed and feed. If you are a gardener, you know these are the three most important steps in creating a bountiful harvest. 

But did you know that these are the same things we must do to take care of ourselves these days?? 

It’s true. Our living environment today is creating a huge toxic overload that our bodies are just not equipped to handle. Check out these astounding numbers:

With over 350,000 registered chemical mixtures in use today, it’s no wonder we suffer from gut, hormone, immune, fertility, learning & cognitive conditions. Study upon study are confirming this direct connection to be true. But what on Earth are we to do about it??

Back to the garden analogy: To keep these unwanted health impacts at bay, we can take a cue from tending a healthy, bountiful garden. 

The first step is to reduce the toxic overload our bodies are exposed to and needlessly carry (WEED).

Next, we then replenish our gut to reduce the inflammation toxins produce there and to keep the bad stuff from becoming absorbed (SEED).

Then, we properly nourish our bodies to help us stay healthy, well and capable of eliminating what toxins we do wind up ingesting (FEED). 

You might ask like I did when I first faced this reality, is this truly necessary?? We’ve been “fine” so far, what’s the issue?

Let’s revisit the number of $341 billion in healthcare & lost work costs directly related to this problem and rephrase the question. Why should we “pay” for health issues that we can avoid?? 

Until U.S. consumers speak with our dollars and regulations change, the answer lies in our change in lifestyle behaviors. The good news?? From my 10 years of experience, I can say with complete certainty, that going low-tox does NOT have to be costly, complicated, or a compromise in your way of life! 

If you want to feel better – now and in the future – and are ready to go low-tox in your daily life, get informed with my free starter guide below. 

Do you have a specific question or are looking for a specific low-tox swap? Ask away! I am here to help.

Clare Broderick is the Director of Partnership Development at the WEforum Group and is the founder of Greener Cleaner LIVING, LLC, a sustainable home and lifestyle consultancy. Clare uses her extensive professional experience in healthcare environment & building design to help women learn to live a more natural, non-toxic lifestyle & make changes to detox your family’s home & health. Get started with this free guide on top Top 10 Healthy Home Detox Guide